There’s nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer.

Want to Volunteer?
The Sullivan County Volunteer Fire Departments and Rescue Squads are always looking for great volunteers. We’re looking for new people to help respond to the community’s emergency needs, and we’re asking YOU to “Join Us”.
East Tennessee Fire Rescue
Training Conference
Our conference offers a high-quality, convenient, training opportunity to the departments in our region. Class selections are made with the area departments in mind to help them with their training needs.
SCBA Confidence Trailer
The SCBA Confidence Trailer was built to aid in the training of firefighters in our region. Its two level design was laid out so that it offers challenges to both new firefighters and veterans alike.
Our Agencies
Sullivan County, Tennessee is approximately 430 square miles in size, with a population of roughly 158,000 people. This region is protected by two paid city fire departments, and ten volunteer fire departments and four rescue squads.